About Me

Hi! I’m Mel, just a girl with a commitment to leading a sustainable life full of travel and exploration, and sharing this with the world. I am also now the proud owner of Earth Conscious Yoga, offering yoga classes and workshops as well as selling sustainably made crochet and macrame designs.

Born in Buckinghmshire, England, I moved with my family to Perth, Western Australia at 4 years old. Growing up in an aviation family, I was introduced to the world of travel at a young age, even sleeping in suitcases around the world at 6 months old – I suppose that sparked my travel obsession!

Upon graduating school, I embarked on numerous overseas trips, with a 2 month stint to South East Asia turning into a few years abroad, traveling and working in multiple countries. These jobs included performing at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, Au Pairing in Salzburg and London, and touring Australia as a circus performer and instructor.

Throughout my travels, my eyes were opened to the realities of our struggling planet, across all parts of the globe. A lot of this, fortunately, can be helped, as most issues have been created and caused by humans. I also discovered the benefits of slowing down and living consciously, especially whilst traveling. When we slow down and spend more time in one location, or take the longer journey, such as a train route, we are not only reducing our carbon footprint, but allowing ourselves to become fully immersed in the culture, traditions, explore the destination fully, and discover wonders that we may not have seen had we rushed.

I am now making it my mission to help spread awareness of global environmental issues and ways we can become more sustainable, as well as stories, tips and tricks for enjoying slow and budget travel.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope I can provide you with something worth your while here. My inbox is always open if you would like to connect or have any questions, I would love to hear from you!

Love Mel x

One Comment

  • Alison

    How much are your classes and where do you hold
    At city beach and lake monger ?
    Do need to bring a yoga mat .
    Do you have a class tomorrow ?

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